Biongraft is an injectable and formable paste bone graft based on hydrogel and Beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), including ZrO2 nanoparticles for antibacterial efficacy.

Biongraft is a safe and fully biocompatible material which is designed to act as an osteoconductive scaffold to support the ingrowth and fusion of adjacent viable bone when placed in an osseous environment .It also provides a bone void filler that resorbs and is replaced with bone during the healing process.

Requires no mixing. Pre-loaded in a convenient applicator, syringe ready for direct placement into the defect. Easily molded by hand as needed.

Product Features

Ready to Use
Pre-loaded in a convenient applicator, syringe ready for direct placement in the defect. Easily molded by hand as needed. Requires no mixing.
%100 synthetic
Contains no tissue of human or animal origin therefore carries no risk of disease transmission.
Provides a scaffold for new bone. Highly interconnected porosity with excellent mechanical resistance.
With its optimized porous structure and chemical composition, our products are suitable for the continuous remodeling cycle of healthy bone. β-TCP resorbs over time and being replaced with bone during the healing process.

Osteoid formation, 2 months after implantation of Biongraft Putty in skeletal muscle


  • Alveolar bone regeneration
  • Lateral and Crestal Sinus Augmentation
  • Extraction (with or without implant placement)
  • Intraosseous defects
  • Guided bone regeneration(GBR)
  • Socket Grafts

General procedure of Biongraft Putty in sinus lifting, lateral augmentation, and socket grafting

A. Lift a flap

  • The flap should be minimally reflected to open up whole graft site.
  • Prepare the defect site for grafting

B. Biongraft Putty application

  • Inject the Biongraft Putty and press gently for 5 seconds to get the defect shape by using sterile dry gauze.

C. Flap Closure

  • Reposition the flap and suture them for maximal closure.

Lifting Oparation

Use of Biongraft Putty in sinus lifting operation.


A- Before grafting procedure

B- 5 months after grafting procedure

* The sinus defect filled with Biongraft Putty heals completely after 5 months. Radiological view of before and after grafting application. As it is seen, bone tissue completely regenerated and dental implant was successfully placed.



Our mission is to acquire and commercialize innovative products for the Dental Sector.


23,Alexander Malinov Blvd,

2nd fl.,of.97, 1729 Sofia, Bulgaria


Phone: +359878737006
